Secondary infertility (SI) is the inability to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term a second or subsequent child. In other words, secondary infertility is widely for patients who previously had a successful pregnancy but currently have been unable to conceive or struggling with infertility. The couples who are struggling to have second baby may not have heard of Secondary Infertility because the term is not popular like primary infertility. According to a US study, in 1995, 1.8 million women suffered from secondary infertility; in 2006, it was 3.3 million. SI now accounts for six out of 10 infertility cases.
Couples that struggle with Secondary Infertility
According to studies, a full 40% of all infertility (primary or secondary) is related to sperm while 30% is due to ovulatory dysfunction. Another 20% is related to female “plumbing problems,” such as blocked tubes, uterine fibroids or endometriosis. The remaining 10% is unexplained — but that can actually be a good thing! The data reveals, the more normal testing is, the more likely you are to be successful with infertility treatment.
Why is secondary infertility emotionally devastating?
Some couple seems it quite surprising after find they are unable to conceive a second child due to infertility. Also, family members and friends start asking insensitive questions to couple saying things like “you are lucky to have one child,” or “just relax, it will happen later”. Eventually, the couple find it too stressful to cope with the situation that they have only child to care.
How can couples deal with the situation?
Couples with secondary infertility often has young kids of their own and find themselves surrounded by the mothers who are pregnant or younger siblings of their children’s friends. This makes them harder to avoid questions from child about wanting a little sister or brother. Like any infertility couple, those are facing secondary infertility need support, validation and empathy from their friends. They also need support from the fertility clinic in case they want to expand their family. Some couples go for IVF and other medical procedures in order to have second baby.
Thus the bottom line is that secondary infertility can be problematic for couples and can cause depression or anxiety and loss for many couples. If you or your spouse is facing the similar situation, it’s important to learn all through credible sources and organization and obtain support by which you can take best decisions for you and your family.
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